The Blueberry.
Packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, these berries are also high in potassium and vitamin C. Not only can they lower your risk of heart disease and cancer, they are also anti-inflammatory. The darker the colour of the blueberry the more antioxidants. Served perfectly in a mixed fruit salad, over pancakes, in smoothies or just as they are.
Pop eye was right! Spinach is a vital part of our diet. It's low in calories and high in nutrients. Research has shown that spinach aids in the prevention of age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, some cancers and cardiovascular disease. Add spinach to your salads, steamed on the side of poached eggs or even with feta cheese in filo pastry.
Delicious and nutritious salmon and other omega-3 rich fish, lower heart disease risk, help arthritis, helps lower your cholestrol and may help with memory loss and Alzheimer's, it may also help against depression. It's best to choose wild salmon over farmed. This protein rich superfood is best served grilled, steamed or raw. Try other fatty fish such as herring, sardines and mackerel for the same effect. 2-3 servings a week is ideal.
Nuts are an excellent source of protein, fiber and vitamin E. Walnuts are the only nuts that contain a significant amount of omega-3s, and are known for their high antioxidant activity. Eat them by the handful or toss them on your salad.
Not only is it good to soothe your aching throat but it can also be used to treat wounds and gastrointestinal problems. Honey acts as an antioxidant, a substance that can prevent the effects of free radicals, which we're exposed to from environmental toxins such as cigarette smoke or radiation which can lead to disease. Honey contains oligosaccharides, which increase the number of good bacteria in the colon. When buying you're honey take note that the darker the honey the more antioxidants it contains and try buying organic. I love it over natural greek yogurt, in chai tea or over crackers with blue cheese and walnuts.
.Dark Chocolate
Delicious dark chocolate is a potent antioxidant and can help reduce blood pressure. Don't fill up on it too much, remember to keep your daily chocolate intake to a low as it contains lots of fat and is high in calories! The darker the chocolate (75% plus) the better because processing strips chocolate of some of its health benefits. Try scrumptious organic brands such as Green & Blacks.
This is the ultimate superfood! Even mentioned in the Bible itself, garlic is known for its use in medicine for centuries for treating arthritis, cataracts, weakened immune systems, cancer, stroke, migraines, viruses and aging. It helps with digestion, assisting the body's ability to get the nutrients it needs from food. Garlic's most powerful nutrient - Allicin & Amino Acid is not found in fresh gralic, you need to cut, press or chew it to release its agents. The list doesn't stop there, Garlic also contains phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, vitamin B6/C, aginine, flavonoids and polyphenols. Enjoy garlic in every savoury dish - thickly spread avocado bread with salt and pepper and sliced garlic is my favourite.
With the calcium and probiotics found in yoghurt probiotics which helps women prevent osteoporosis, boosts immunity and lowers the risk of digestive cancers. While an excellent source of calcium, the real reason yogurt in on the top list of super foods is the probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria. Take note of "active cultures" and/or "lactobacillus/acidophilus" on the packages of yogurt. These aid your digestive system. There are more bacteria cells in your gut than there are cells in your entire body! Scientists have also found probiotics to improve nutrient absorption, decrease the chances of diarrhea and constipation. And acidophilus helps reduce the number of carcinogens in the colon. You need to be particular about buying yoghurt... make sure you buy plain, non fat yoghurt fortified with vitamin D, also make sure it contains either lactobacillus or bifidobacterium or acidophiles to get full results!
Much Love ♥
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