Thursday, 12 May 2011

Drink Your Way to Youth.

Cuddled up in bed with a milky Earl Grey is my cup of tea… But is drinking tea a healthy risk or a benefit?!

Teas, as well as coffees contain caffeine which is a stimulant and also not so good for the body as it causes the kidneys and heart to weaken and can lead to these vessels depending on this source of caffeine to give a kick-start.

None the less, Earl Grey tea has a lower concentration of caffeine and gently reduces such risks. It is also high in antioxidants which protect the body from free radicals - meaning it will help your body to stay young and delay the ever-dreading aging process. Research has also shown that drinking tea regularly can reduce the risk of heart attacks.

It has also been proven that tea does not dehydrate the body, though it is essential to drink as much water as possible during your day, a few cups of tea will do no harm at all but contribute to the amount of liquids consumed.

Best opt for Organic Teas, brands such as Choice organic teas & T2.
Drink your way to youth with Earl Grey 

(imported from my previous blog 11th March, 2011)

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